Express CDL School

State Trucking Associations

Before you start trucking, you may want to check out your local state's trucking association to get up to date information about the rules and regulations.

Vermont Rhode Island Rhode Island Connecticut Connecticut New Jersey New Jersey Delaware Delaware Massachusetts Massachusetts Alaska Hawaii Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York Michigan Pennsylvania West Virginia Ohio Indiana Kentucky Virginia Maryland Maryland Washington DC North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Wisconsin Illinois Tennessee Alabama MississippiLouisiana Arkansas Missouri Minnesota Washington Idaho Oregon California Nevada Arizona Texas Oklahoma Iowa Nebraska Kansas Utah New Mexico Colorado South Dakota North Dakota Wyoming Montana
Map for US State DMV agencies

Other Resources

US Counties - Do you want to promote "Clean, Safe, Family Oriented" content on the internet?
ScoioPost -  Feel free to browse though over 1 million published articles and bookmarks.
CDL Jobs -  Search though over 1 thousand jobs in trucking.
Marine Exchange of Southern California - A ninety plus year old, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and efficient flow of maritime commerce throughout the region.
Bulls Balls - World's Most Unusual Truck and Vehicle Accessories.
Capital Solutions, Inc. - Capital Solutions provides truck financing for people with past bankruptcies, repossessions, and slow pay. We can get around your past credit problems to help you grow your business.
Diesel Engine Trader - Great Deals on Thousands of Diesel Engines and Diesel Engine Parts. Makes include Cummins, Detroit, Ford, Perkins, Caterpillar, Deutz, Yanmar, Kubota etc. New, Used and Remanufactured diesel engines and parts all available.
Go Rowan - Rowan county information online
Truck Driving Jobs - Discover truck driving jobs with nationwide Trucking Companies.
Freelance Jobs Search - Join or search our online Freelance jobs and resume bank. You may search & bid for freelance work and read usefull tips to start you home based internet business.
Trucker To Trucker - Commercial Trucks, Trailers, and Parts For Sale - Buy & Sell Online!
IEG, Inc -  An information engineering group. Administers Accident and Incidents, OS&D and Cargo, Work Injury, and General Liability.
TruckTools -  Find awesome money and time saving truck tools at